Concerteenies for Babies
Concerteenies for Babies is a live music project in partnership with Sheffield City Council’s Family Hubs between March 2024 - March 2025. Our live music events for pre-crawling babies and their communities are led by Polly Ives, Sarah Carroll and a team of professional musicians. These videos and booklet are designed to help you explore new music with your little one.
This playlist and accompanying resource pack aim to give you lots of songs and activities to try with your baby. Each video introduces a musician and a song with suggestions for ways to explore the music more e.g. tapping along, singing, rocking your baby to sleep. You can also search for each musician to enjoy more of their diverse musical styles at home.
Concerteenies for Babies 2024-2025 is possible thanks to The Cutlers Company Charitable Trust, The Sarah Nulty Power of Music Foundation, The Sheffield 1000 Charity, Sheffield City Council, Sheffield Family Hubs and Start for Life, South Yorkshire Combined Mayoral Authority, and UK Government as part of the Levelling Up agenda.
Check out this amazing poem that spoken word artist, Sile Sebanda, wrote about our Concerteenies for Babies project!
Concerteenies Musical Stories
In our latest project, Concerteenies Musical Stories, we’ve commissioned the brilliant Paul Rissmann to compose musical settings for five fantastic children’s books. Our Musical Stories have been piloted in schools, and these performances are available to watch online.
We’ve made some free resources to accompany each book, designed to give you ideas to explore the music, story and illustrations before and after you watch the Musical Story. In each Intro Film you’ll do some warm-ups, learn the songs from the Musical Story and meet the musical instrument featured in that performance. The activity packs feature discussion ideas and further creative learning activities to engage your children in musical learning. We have also produced creative activities in partnership with Ignite Imaginations, which are simple craft activities to accompany each story. We strongly recommend reading the book and exploring these resources before attending or watching one of our Musical Stories!
Blown Away
Written and illustrated by Rob Biddulph, published by HarperCollins Children’s Books.
It's a windy day, and he has a brand new kite - but where's he going on this maiden flight? Penguin Blue and his friends go on a gloriously illustrated adventure full of good ideas, homesickness and the perils of kites, from the sparkling new talent Rob Biddulph.
Buy a copy of the book.
The Dinosaur Department Store
Written by Lilly Murray, illustrated by Richard Merritt, and published by Buster Books.
Our feisty heroine Eliza Jane isn't your average child. Instead of a cute, fluffy bunny, she has her heart firmly set on a prehistoric pet. Join Eliza Jane and her parents on a marvellous magical tour of their local dinosaur department store.
From huge, stomping sauropods stretching their necks to a pair of loved-up Ankylosaurs called Maud and Frank, there are plenty of amazing dinosaurs for Eliza Jane to choose from. But this wild child is hatching a fantastic plan of her own.
Buy a copy of the book.
The Dog Who Could Dig
Written by Jonathan Long, illustrated by Korky Paul, and reproduced with permission of Oxford Publishing Limited through PLSclear.
Digger is a very determined dog. He has started looking for the bone that he buried and he just won't stop digging. Deeper and deeper he goes, unearthing all sorts of extraordinary things - an old shoe, a coal-miner, and even an underground train. But he's also getting hungrier and hungrier - will Digger ever find something to chew on for his dinner?
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Written and illustrated by Arree Chung, published by Macmillan Publishing Group.
The Blues, Reds and Yellows lived in harmony. Reds were the loudest, Yellows the brightest and Blues were the coolest. However when one of the colours proclaims they are the best, discord breaks out and eventually the colours decide to live in different parts of the city. Then one day a Yellow befriends a Blue and they become inseparable, discovering a world of different possibilities and colours.
Buy a copy of the book.
Mouse and Bear
Written and illustrated by Kev Payne.
Mouse loves to paint. Sometimes she sells her paintings in return for food which she shares with Bear. Bear is big and powerful and promises to protect Mouse but when a storm comes will Mouse be forgotten?
A tale of determination, inspiration and new-found friends.
Buy a copy of the book.
Perfectly Norman
Written and illustrated by Tom Percival, published by Bloomsbury Children’s Books.
Norman had always been perfectly normal . . . until the day he grew a pair of wings! Norman loves his new wings, and has the most fun ever trying them out high in the sky. But then he has to go in for dinner. What will his parents think? What will everyone else think? Norman feels the safest plan is to cover his wings with a big coat. But hiding the thing that makes you different proves tricky and upsetting. Can Norman ever truly be himself?
Buy a copy of the book.
More Musical Stories
Classic children's stories brought to life through music. These are a selection of the other musical stories concerts that Polly has presented.
Musical Activities
Simple musical activities designed to entertain you and your little ones during lockdown and beyond! Ideal for parents, childminders, EYFS and KS1 teachers.
These activities are designed to be simple and accessible - everyone can learn through music in a fun and engaging way. View all our Musical Activities on our Youtube channel.
Home Concerts
Inspirational professional musicians perform live music for young children (0-5 year-olds) and their families. With fun audience participation including simple props from your own home. Watch all of our home concerts.
24-Hour Soundtrack
A soundtrack for young children (0-5 year olds) and their families and communities with a different piece of music for every hour of the day.
Our soundtrack features top professional musicians from around the globe and lots of fun activities to keep your family entertained, no matter what time it is! View the full playlist.
We also worked in partnership with educational publishing house, Twinkl, to produce accompanying resources for every hour of our soundtrack. View and download all the activities.